Other Maps

In order to help users find the maps they are looking for, the other maps are arranged in sub-categories as:

  • The Problem
  • Relationship
  • Self-awareness
  • Vision for Who and How we might be, and
  • Technologies for Intervention and Transformation;

with one overarching Map of the Maps.

The Problem contains maps for understanding the nature of conflict and the qualities of abuse and oppression.  These maps can help us better understand the circumstances we find ourselves in and can help us determine how fully we are addressing the problems.

Relationship contains maps about the structure of relationships, how power is distributed, and how problems appear in relationships.

Self-awareness contains maps for helping us know ourselves better by looking within and seeing how we have grown and how we might continue to develop.

Vision for Who and How we might be contains maps which help us see images of what we might be like in the relationships we construct such that not only do we create what we need, we also support others in getting their needs met.

Technologies for Intervention and Transformation contains maps for knowing what we might do that would create the qualities we need in our relationships.

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