Other Participants in the Reconciliation Workshop

There are as many reasons to do the Reconciliation Workshop as there are people who have taken it. So that you may have a sense of what the more common motivations are, consider these four.

Curiosity about the theory: Some participants have come to know of Creative Conflict Resolution as students of conflict resolution theory and practice. They want to get a more immediate experience of it than they can from reading a book. They could take the Building Healthy Relationships class, but that is a commitment spread out over eight-weeks and they want something more contained.

Desire to address a specific persistent conflict: Some have a significant and persistent conflict that is coming up for them over and over in an important relationship and are looking for help at how to address it. They may feel at times as though there is nothing they can do but they also feel that they have to do something. Participation in the workshop is to find that something.

As a part of ongoing psychotherapy: Some participants are also in ongoing therapy and want to use the intensity of the weekend to get them over a hump or to shed a new light on an old and resistant problem. [If you are in therapy we suggest you address your intention to do the Reconciliation Workshop with your therapist. We also encourage you to discuss the results of the workshop with your therapist before you act on ways of being you have identified in the workshop. Dr. Robinson will be happy to talk with your therapist about the Reconciliation Workshop should she or he have questions or concerns.]

As a part of a team seeking intervention in a complex system: Some participants are members of a community or organization in which persistent patterns of conflict are present. They come to get a clearer sense of what they can do to help the association to get unstuck and address and resolve the conflicts. They may be elected representatives or they may just be persons with a concern who are committed to the wellbeing of the organization.

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