
If you are looking for the broadest possible overview of the process of Creative Conflict Resolution I suggest you check out Discipline #6.

If you have done something clearly harmful to another and you want to be sure that you are doing everything you can to be sure you don't do it again, check out Discipline #7.

If you have a relationship which is important to you and you want to do what you can to preserve it but it has been damaged by choices you and/or the other have made and you want to do what you can to heal the relationship, check out Discipline #8.

If you are looking for a detailed description of Creative Conflict Resolution which helps you see what it would be like for you to create what you need in a significant relationship when an event arises which is an example of a persistent pattern of conflict then you will want to check out Discipline #9.

If you are with someone who also wants to work toward repairing and strengthening the relationship and you are each willing to change what you typically do so that you construct a more satisfying and durable relationship through making a keeping clear agreements then you can go straight to Discipline #10. Let me caution you, though, that the Disciplines are numbered in order of complexity and you will have to master some aspects of the earlier Disciplines to be able to use #10.

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