Abuse Prevention Program

The Abuse Prevention Program was a structured intervention program for men and occasionally women who had committed an act of criminal abuse in the context of a family relationship.  It was first offered under the auspices of STAR (Sexual Trauma and Recovery) starting in the late 1980's.  It moved with Dr. Robinson the to Center for Creative Conflict Resolution in 1997.  In 2007 the Center discontinued the program as the focus of the Center changed to work more with couples, families, and organizations.

While the Center for Creative Conflict Resolution is no longer offering the Abuse Prevention Program it still addresses issues of battering with the individuals, couples, and families with which it works.  As a way to stay connected to the intervention community, Dr. Robinson maintains an active membership in the Association of Batterer Intervention Providers (ABIP), a coalition of programs in the St. Louis area. Having worked in this field for nearly 30 years, it is hard to let go.

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