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Clergy Training Group

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This past winter I led a Training Group for Clergy using the tools of Creative Conflict Resolution.  The experience was fantastic!  Not only did the six UCC pastors in the group get the concepts, they were able to use them to good effect in a broad range of settings.  As a result I am going to be offering the training on a regular basis.  The next one will be starting in August and I already have five clergy signed up.

It is not actually necessary to be ordained to be in the group, but it is important that all of the members be people with experience as leaders of faith communities.  More information is available here.  Or just give me a call.

Workshop feedback

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I have developed a simple workshop which is an introduction to the material in the book Just Conflict and which lays out reasons to work at learning Creative Conflict Resolution.  Following a recent presentation I got the following feedback.

Launch of the new site!

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I had set as my goal the launch of a new web site for the Center for Creative Conflict Resolution during the month of May.  At times it looked like I wasn't going to make it, but I am ready to go public. 

There are actually five inter-related sites.  One is the main site for the Center.  The others are for the book, Just Conflict; for the Building Healthy Relationships program, for Parenting Post -Divorce, and for Organizational Consulting.  They are not all finished by a long shot, but I have enough of the navigation together to let the public see them and trust that they won't get lost.

So the sites are:

There is also a site for me personally on Netcipia.
