Building Healthy Relationships: An Introduction to CCR

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Like everyone else, you have at least one significant relationship (with a family member or someone with whom you work) in which the same issue keeps coming up. It is the same sh%t over and over. You roll your eyes, shake your head, and curse under your breath.

You can learn the tools of Creative Conflict Resolution which will help you:

  • see clearly what the problem is,
  • identify what you can and cannot do to address it, and
  • act confidently to create what you need.

While these tools are difficult to use consistently, with practice nearly anyone can master them. As we refine these techniques, we find that we are no longer bothered by these same events but, instead, recognize that they are just conflict.


Like everyone else, you have trouble asserting what you need and stating how you feel. You are worried that you will be seen as needy, or self-centered, or controlling. You just want things to be fair.

You can learn the tools of Creative Conflict Resolution and, as you master them, you will find that you:

  • can find and remain in your center,
  • act powerfully without abuse, and
  • create the qualities you need in each of your relationships.

As you use these tools you will discover that you not only create what you need, you are also creating what those around you need. Mastering these tools is a spiritual practice by which we create justice.

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Creative Conflict Resolution is a set of perspectives and tools for resolving all conflict. The components are all simple, but fitting them together or knowing which ones apply to a given conflict may be rather complex.

The Introduction to Creative Conflict Resolution is a free two-hour presentation about the tools and perspectives designed to help those who are new to the ideas and curious about how they may be helpful get a sense of the whole framework.

The Introduction is offered most months on the second Sunday evening from 6:30 - 8:30. The location varies depending on how many people have registered for the event. To register go to the Calendar section along the right side of this page. Click on the title "Building Healthy Relationships" for the date you want to attend. If one isn't visible, click on "see all" towards the bottom of the calendar. A page will open with information about the event. To register, click on the link under the description that says "Sign Up," or call 314-863-2363.

Dr. Mark Lee Robinson

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